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Hailstones clustered on asphalt shingle roof

What Homeowners Need To Know About Hail Roof Damage In Denver, CO

Hailstones clustered on asphalt shingle roof

What Denver, CO Homeowners Need To Know
About The Impact Of Hail Roof Damage

Do Minor Dings = Minor Problems? See What
The Roofing Experts Are Saying!

Hailstorms are, unfortunately, a fact of life here in the Denver area. However, when does hail roof damage in Denver, CO go from a minor concern to something more pressing? 

We’ll let you in on a little secret – there’s no such thing as a minor concern when it comes to your roof. Even the smallest dents from hailstones can result in costly repairs or even a roof replacement down the road if you don’t get it fixed ASAP. 

While putting off roof repairs may be tempting – especially if the hail roof damage looks small – years of wear and more storms can exacerbate roofing problems. 

No Visible Hail Roof Damage Doesn’t Necessarily
Mean There’s No Damage

How often are you up on your own roof? If you’re like most homeowners, the answer is probably “not very often.” 

After a hailstorm hits the Denver area, inspecting your own roof for damage can be dangerous. Instead, choose the safer route and schedule a roof inspection by professionals – such as our highly qualified team at Elite Roofing and Construction. 

The safest way to assess whether your roof has any hail damage is by looking for signs around your home – from the safety of the ground. Some indicators you may have roof hail damage are loose granules, visible clusters of hailstones on the ground around your home, pieces of torn shingles, and dents in your mailbox or even your vehicles. 

What Are Roof Inspectors Looking For When Assessing
Your Denver Area Roof For Damage?

When a roof inspector comes to take a look at your roof, they’re checking for signs of hail damage – such as dents or chips in your asphalt shingles or metal roofing. But they’re also looking at the condition of your shingles, checking for “bald” spots or loose granules in your gutters, as well as the condition of your flashing. 

Why are these other areas so important? Because it gives your roof inspector a clearer picture of your roof’s overall health and helps them determine what repairs your roof may need. 

Why Is Hail Damage Bad For Your Denver, CO Roof?

Hailstones can tear or dent your roof’s shingles, which can expose areas of your roof to water damage and further roof damage. Your roof system works as a whole to protect your home’s interior from storms and other weather elements. 

When your roof system is compromised even by what appears to be minor hail damage, rainwater or melting snow can seep into your roof’s underlayment, eventually making its way into your attic. You can usually spot water damage by noticing water stains on your attic ceiling or walls or damp attic insulation. 

A compromised roof system can also affect your roof’s insulative properties. If you notice higher-than-average energy bills, or it’s colder in your home during the winter and hotter in the summer despite running your HVAC system at full blast, your damaged roof may be to blame.

File A Claim With Your Homeowner’s Insurance
For The Hail Roof Damage

If a recent storm has caused hail roof damage to your Denver, CO home, your homeowner’s policy may cover the damage. 

At Elite Roofing and Construction, we help you through the insurance claims process and work with your insurance company so it’s as stress-free as possible. We document the damage and send all the paperwork to your insurance company, working as your advocate so you can get the very most out of your claim. 

Get Roof Hail Damage Fixed ASAP

Chances are, if you have hail damage to your Denver, CO roof, your neighbors are in the same predicament. This means that if you don’t book roof repairs as soon as possible, you might be looking at roofers who are booked solid for the next month or so. 

Every day you wait to fix your roof damage, the chance of another storm blowing through increases, and the existing issues are exacerbated. 

So, if you suspect hail roof damage, don’t delay. Book an appointment with a qualified roofer like Elite Roofing and Construction. We’ve served the Denver area for 25 years, and we’ve seen it all when it comes to roofing. If your roof has been hit by a recent storm and you’re worried about damage, no problem! Call Elite Roofing and Construction today for your free quote.

Posted on by Joe Cox - SEO Content Poster
What Homeowners Need To Know About Hail Roof Damage In Denver, CO

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