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How Long Does A Commercial Roofing Project In Boulder CO Take?

How Long Does A Commercial Roofing
Project Take In Boulder, CO?

Learn What Aspects May Affect
How Long It Takes To Complete
Your Commercial Roof

When your Boulder, CO commercial roofing is in trouble, you know you need professional help. However, many building owners dread calling their local commercial roofer because they hesitate to lose business. 

Why would they lose business?

Roofing is not a simple project in most cases. Many commercial business owners have been burned in the past, losing out on days or weeks of business, making them wonder if having their roofs replaced or repaired was worth it. 

We get the hesitation! 

Here at Elite Construction, commercial roofing is approached with not only the knowledge of what needs to be done to get your roof back into shape but also to ensure your daily business is not affected. We don’t want to be the reason you lose out on a few days worth of income.

One of the most common questions building owners in the Denver area ask us is how long their commercial roofing project will take. 

The short answer: it depends. The long answer: numerous factors can affect the length of time it takes to complete a commercial roofing project. A simple repair may only take a few hours, and a complete replacement may take a few days or longer.

Let’s look at what factors affect the length of time it takes to complete your commercial roofing project.

The Weather Is A Huge Player In The Timeline Of
Commercial Roofing Projects

One of the things that we cannot control that affects the timeline of your roofing project is the weather. Mother Nature can be a beast, so it’s no surprise that weather issues are often the reason for delays in roofing projects.

While some roofers may pencil in a project and hope for the best or let the dice fall where they may, we take the time to look at future forecasts and won’t start on a large project if we see a projected winter storm coming into the area that would delay progress.

Instead, we will ensure the damaged part of your roof has a repair that will help it withstand the weather coming in and then start on the roofing project after the weather has passed. 

Of course, we can’t account for those surprise weather events – after all, how many of us have planned for a dusting of snow and woken up to a few inches or even feet? 

Your Boulder, CO Commercial Roof Size Affects The Timeline

If you have two commercial roofs in front of you, with one being around 2800 square feet while the other is over 11,000 square feet, there’s no way these roofs would take the same amount of time for repair or replacement.

The larger your roof, the longer your project will take. This includes any repair or replacement we make, but it also includes inspecting the roof itself. The larger the roof, the more time it takes to find any issues and ensure we check every crevice.

Commercial Roofing Material: It Does Play A
Role In The Project Timeline

The type of material you use for your commercial roof can also affect how long any roofing project, whether repair or replacement, takes. Some materials are simply easier to work with, so it cuts down the time to make any adjustments or even replace them.

Asphalt roofing is extremely easy to work with, but metal and tile roofing offers much more longevity. That is why it is important to choose the material that best fits your roof, budget, and overall aesthetic ideas.

Regardless of which commercial roofing material you use, we can replace the roof with your chosen material or make repairs to what you have. We will also ensure that we give you an approximate project timeline before we even start so you can be prepared.

The Key To Managing A Commercial Roofing Project

When your commercial roof in the Denver area needs some TLC in the form of repairs or a replacement, the key is to manage your roofing project wisely. Work with a trusted roofer who will get the project done as fast as possible without skimping on the hard work. You should also consider doing the roof project during a time in which you have fewer customers.

Here at Elite Construction, we will work with you to find not only the best time to perform the roof project that works for you but also the best course of action to either repair or replace your commercial roof.For your free estimate, call Elite Construction today for commercial roofing in Boulder, CO that puts you first.

Posted on by Joe Cox - SEO Content Poster
How Long Does A Commercial Roofing Project In Boulder CO Take?

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