6 Ways To Protect Your Boulder, CO
Roof From Hail Roof Damage
Some Tips That’ll Keep Your Roof
In Peak Condition
There’s no way to avoid hailstorms in the Denver area, but there are some ways to avoid hail roof damage on your Boulder, CO home.
But wait, you may think – hail roof damage is inevitable, isn’t it? How can one possibly protect their roof against a common – and destructive – weather occurrence?
Believe it or not, there are several preventative measures you can take to ensure your roof is safe from hail damage and other hail-related roof damages (such as water and ice).
In our 25 years of business, Elite Construction & Roofing has seen and repaired many hail-damaged roofs. We want all home and business owners to know these simple ways to keep their roofs safe!
Understand How Hail Can Impact Your Boulder, CO Roof
As the saying goes, the best way to defeat your enemy is to know your enemy. So, how exactly does hail affect your Boulder, CO roof, and what signs can you look for when searching for evidence of hail roof damage?
Hail roof damage can come in many forms, depending on your roofing material. However, here are some of the most common:
- Cracks in your roofing material (for shingles, tile, and slate)
- Dented, bruised, or torn asphalt shingles
- Damage to flashing, vents, and gutters
- Dents in your metal roof
You may wonder why a few dents in your metal roof or chipped shingles can lead to more major roof damage. Damages to your roof – even seemingly minor ones – compromise your roof’s structural integrity and can lead to water damage.
Choose Materials – Like Metal Roofs Or Tile Roofs –
That Are Naturally Impact-Resistant[li]
The Denver area sees a lot of hail, which is why – if you’re considering a roof replacement for your home – it’s a smart idea to choose your roofing material with impact resistance in mind.
Some roof materials that we offer at Elite Construction & Roofing – perform beautifully under all sorts of weather. Metal roofing and tile roofing are excellent choices if your top priority is keeping your home safe from impact damage.
While some extreme hailstorms can dent even the toughest metal and crack even slate or tile, you can rest assured that these materials hold up against the vast majority of storms we see here in Boulder, CO.
Even some asphalt shingle roofs are quite tough, and reinforced shingles are becoming increasingly popular among homeowners who like the look and convenience of asphalt shingles but want to protect their roofs.
Reinforce Your Boulder, CO Roof’s
Underlayment And Decking
Some measures you can take against hail roof damage go beneath your roof’s surface. When you have your roof replaced, choosing durable, impact-resistant decking and underlayment is key to keeping any hail damage at the surface.
That way, if a hailstone cracks your tile or chips your asphalt, you don’t have to worry as much about water seeping beneath your roofing materials. You’ll already have protections in place!
Make Sure Your Denver Area Attic Is Properly Ventilated
What does attic ventilation have to do with protecting your roof against hail damage? Well, improper attic ventilation can weaken your roof’s materials, decking, and underlayment, making it more vulnerable to hail roof damage.
If your attic isn’t ventilated properly, your roofing materials absorb the consequences. Temperature fluctuations – evident from our sweltering Boulder, CO summers to our frigid, snowy winters – are a recipe for disaster with an unventilated attic.
Ensure Your Gutters And Roof’s Drainage
System Are In Top Shape[li]
With hail usually comes sleet or rain – and lots of it. It’s not a problem if you have clean, clear gutters free of clogs or damage. But if you have clogged, damaged gutters that are pulling away from your home and haven’t been looked at in a while, you’re looking at potential roof damage.
While hailstones will usually fill up your gutters during a storm, they’ll eventually melt and the water will be directed away from your roof and foundation. However, if your gutters are clogged, the water has nowhere to go. This leads to water pooling on your roof and potentially seeping under your roofing materials, leading to costly water damages.
At Elite Construction & Roofing, we install quality, low-maintenance gutters that’ll keep your roof free of water damage.
Schedule A Regular Roof Inspection After
A Storm Hits The Denver Area[li]
You may have the best roofing materials in the region, but it always pays to be cautious. Scheduling a roof inspection after a bad hail storm is a smart idea. This way, you can be aware of any hail damage early so you can get it repaired.
If you’re worried that your roof might have hail damage, or you need a roof replacement with sturdy, long-lasting materials, Elite Construction & Roofing is the roofer for you. Visit us online for a free estimate.